

Have you ever had a dream of a destination you must see? Or someone you just can’t live without meeting?

What is your dream?

Do you have a dream list?

I had a dream list as a kid and I still have one as an adult. I will always be a dreamer.

When I was a kid I carried around two pictures of places I had to see. Dream it, see it, do it. This is still how I think and the reason for my vision wall. Inspiration.

One picture I carried with me was of Peggy’s Cove Nova Scotia. I had to see that lighthouse and dip my toes in the Atlantic Ocean. The second picture was of Paradise Island. Two tiki huts on a small island in the ocean yes, please.

My dad ended up taking me on a road trip to the east coast when I was maybe 10? 12?. When we arrived at Peggy’s cove I was beyond excited. I remember looking at the view and thinking it’s just a lighthouse? I wasn’t blown away like I was the first time I saw the picture. We ate fresh lobster with a gorgeous view. As a child, I didn’t appreciate it as much as I should have. I have been planning for years to go back. As an adult, I want to experience it again! I want to stand in that same place and give the gorgeous view the appreciation it deserves. I will eat fresh lobster with a view and soak in the ocean. I feel a down east road trip in my future.

My girlfriend Stephanie made my Paradise Island dream come true when we took a trip to the Dominican. One of the excursions from the resort was to Paradise Island we had to go. The view was breathtaking the story of how we got there not so much. I was seasick on the sail out. The combination of waves mixed with rum shockingly didn’t sit well. I threw up over the boat as well as all over myself. This was one of my classier travel moments. Lesson learned don’t mix rum with the waves of the ocean. When we got off the boat I stumbled over and I sat propped up by the tiki hut. The motion of the boat was still very much with me. Stephanie was so kind she washed out my clothing. Being a nurse my seasickness didn’t get to her thankfully. Stephanie headed off on a snorkeling adventure and I sat on the shore feeling green. The instructor asked me a few times to join I couldn’t move. Finally, after a long rest period, I got my sickness under control and I headed off proud as could be to join Stephanie snorkeling. I jumped into the waves and headed over. I thought Stephanie was waving her flipper at me to show me where she was. I was fighting the waves and swimming as fast as I could when I realized she was trying to warn me. She had taken in some water coughed so hard and was throwing up. The waves were waving her vomit right into my face. Paradise Island at least the view was breathtaking. It’s a trip I’ll never forget. I hope Stephanie will still travel with me again!

My son’s 8-year-old kid’s dream was to meet Stompin Tom Connors the great Canadian musician. My son non-stop plays his music; he knows the words to all his songs. He enjoys turning them up super loud and singing along. He dresses like him. He absolutely loves him. He is jealous his Papa got to meet him back in the day. Everyone I know who met him agrees that he was such a kind person. I think my son is a lot like him in that way. Sadly Stompin Tom died the same year my son was born. Once he realized he couldn’t meet him he set out to find where his grave was. In an odd turn of events, it’s in Erin Ontario. Guess where my son asked to go on a summer vacation trip this year? You guessed it! He wanted to pay his respects to a great Canadian. You can’t say no to that request,  you can just make it into a fun road trip. We loaded up and set off. I couldn’t wait to cross off something on his dream list. As soon as we pulled into the Erin cemetery you could immediately tell where the stone was under the giant Canadian flag. He has a gorgeous spot and beautiful headstone. My son was wearing jeans, a plaid shirt, and his stomping cowboy boots. He slicked his hair and was so excited to get to this grave.  He almost bailed out of the car before it was stopped. He brought a token to leave on his grave sit. It was the inside of a Stomping Tom tape which he signed his name, put it in a zip lock bag to protect it from the rain (he thought of everything) I have never seen such a big smile on his face. He says that moment was the best moment of his life. I had tears in my eyes watching him hug the gravestone and talk to Stompin. He noticed the spot next to him was free and now wants to be buried there. He also noticed Stompin Tom was laid to rest with his mother. Guess who he thinks should be there with him? Oh, sweet boy, I don’t share the same obsession but my heart was full being able to experience this moment. For the rest of the day I had to hear “Ma, I can’t believe I got to see the grave of great Stompin Tom”. He is already bugging me to print the pictures so he can have a photo album full of pictures. I am so lucky to be this sweet boy’s mom. Here’s to crossing off the next dreams!


I can’t wait to see where my son’s dreams take him next. Every year he picks the trip. I just do my best to make it as fun as possible.

Always have a dream and never give up. One day you will get there. From childhood dreams to Adult dreams I will never stop dreaming. I have a long list of places I dream to see. I have a long list of beautiful places I have been so grateful to experience. Both the places I have been and the places I want to go are on my vision wall. Dream it, see it, do it.  I will always carry a picture of the place I am dreaming of next.


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