I am

I am a pretty ordinary woman whose choices have led me down an extraordinary life path.

I do not think I am better than you because of the journey I am on, everyone has a journey, Everyone has a story. Each of our journeys is unique it is what makes us who we are.

There is only one me. I am now aware of my fears and failures. I am now aware of my accomplishments and positivity in my life. I am able now to talk about my darkness. The darkness that at one point consumed my whole life and almost ended my life. I am not embarrassed to talk about any part of my life.  If you ask me a question you will always get an honest answer. I am not here to please anyone. I am aware that I am not for everyone. I am aware I don’t have to like everyone I meet and they don’t have to like me. I am doing the best I can in sharing my story to show we are all capable of change. I want others to know no matter where you feel stuck in life there is always someone who can help. Keep moving, keep working and keep dreaming. You are never alone. Help is always available. Reach out if you need help. If I can’t help you I am happy to help you find the help you need. Networking is an important part of life.

I wish when I was stuck in the darkest parts of my life that I knew what a life coach was. I didn’t find my life coach network of friends until I started to surround myself with positive people. Positive people keep me inspired. Surround yourself with positive people and i guarantee your life will change. I also surrounded myself with amazing pets. Let’s be serious I don’t know how to live life without a pet. My dog is my constant companion. She keeps my life filled with purpose. She demands a walk everyday. She keeps me moving forward. She reminds me without ever saying a word how much love is in my life. I am blessed. I am grateful.

I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose. I own up to the choices that I have made.  Did I always make the right choices? HECK NO!

Did I always do the right thing? NOPE!

I learned a lot of life’s lessons the harder way. I did however learn a great number of lessons and a lot about myself along the way. I used to live with such regret. Let that go. Carrying around regret and negativity will only keep you stuck. Negativity will hold you back. Negativity will trap you. Negativity will cause sickness.  Accept what was and make what is the best you can!

I am doing my best and if my best isn’t good enough fuck it.


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