Rescue me

This sweet smiley face is my favorite rescue story. Miss Kelso, you gave us the scare of a lifetime last week. I didn’t sleep for 72 hours and I prayed you would be okay. You kept handing me your right paw like Charlie did and I cried a lot of ugly big tears.

I am thankful that even though I woke Gran up she worried with me and did all the right things to save your life. If it wasn’t for Gran I am not sure you would be sitting with me as I write how grateful I am.

One split second can change your life. Every decision you make can change your life.

Lately, my life’s been a blur as I have been sick and multi-tasking far too many things. I feel like I have lost my mind and my family is sick of checking if I turned things off in my house. Lack of sleep I swear is melting my mind.

Last Tuesday I went to bed and I couldn’t sleep I was restless, overthinking, and having a bad feeling in my gut I just couldn’t put my finger on why I was feeling like this. I was up and down all night. When I finally got up and let you out for your morning pee is when I noticed the mess on the kitchen floor at first I laughed at it thinking will our kitten even not get in trouble? He earned the nickname bagel butts after eating 3 whole everything bagels off the counter and leaving his little human without his favorite breakfast food. He keeps us laughing and cleaning but it is all worth if for his sweet cuddles.

This morning as I started to clean up I quickly noticed in the dog bed was covered in a mess everything but the cob. I was starting to think I had lost my mind no way could this sweet corgi have eaten the whole thing. Could this be happening? I searched everywhere but no cob. Full panic mode! I was sick with worry but we got through it thank goodness.

Queen Kelso as your name tag reads, I can’t imagine life without you bossing us around. You have come to be very sweet and always snuggling me knowing I am not feeling my best. The last couple of years have been challening with people passing as my circle gets smaller I am thankful for those who are still with me. I am thankful for Gran answering my early morning calls filled with tears and for always knowing what to do!  I am thankful as I write this blog that I have a kitty smacking at my moving fingers on one side of me and sweet old corgi laying her hears beside me handing me her paw to hold. Charlie always gave me what I called the comfort paw. 

For those of you who don’t know Kelso’s rescue story Dan found her off a website called rescueme mere hours after Charlie had passed. When he was looking up facts about his friends dog. This site is mostly dogs in the USA but the only corgi in Canada was just over an hour away and looked very similar to Charlie. We came to find out they share the same birthday the same personality and must be related? Once we  met Kelso she picked us immediately and despite me saying I am never getting another dog she changed my view on the world once again and from behind her leash. I came to believe in miracles and she keeps me believing. Kelso the dog with 9 lives we have so many more adventures to take. Thank you for being our Queen!


Happy Heavenly Birthday

I write Happy birthday and start to chuckle because our dog despises this saying and the song. It can’t be said, sung, or played on TV she comes out angry, filled with rage, and will bite. We would love to know the reason behind this quirk. Having a rescue dog is like solving a mystery.

Yesterday was my heavenly aunt’s birthday. I carry around the healing rock you gave Dan, and you are always in my thoughts. One of the coolest people I had the pleasure of not only knowing but calling my family. As a child and an adult, I have always looked up to you and wanted to be so much like you. Your ability to heal people was fascinating to me. I recently found a letter you wrote my mom when I was a child about fixing my head. Oh, how I could use your help now. Auntie, you had an amazing view from your house and you made the world’s best fruit leather. You filled my days with wonder and laughter. Thank you every year for allowing me to visit. Thank you for taking Dan in and having him believe in the power of a rock he still talks to you all the time. You were such a fun person with a huge personality. Everyone knew you and everyone had a funny story. I think of all the times we pranked my dad and the smiles that came across our faces. You are missed and loved by so many.

As a child visiting my Aunt and my Grandma Davis was always the highlight of my summers. I remember trying to describe to my Ontario friends and family what Lillooet British Columbia was like. Huge mountains and desert-like conditions are like nothing I could ever imagine being in this world. A small-town vibe with the raging Fraser River. I took my son Dan to experience the Awe I felt as a child. The old bridge that was finally redone that my dad always made me take a picture of and every year I felt as though I would fall through the bridge and be swallowed up by the river. The thoughts of being swept away in a river raging with Sturgeon fish no thank you I had a giant fear. The fear started with my Grandma Davis on her farm the river was right behind her and she always told us to be safe. My mom shared the river fear and did her best to keep us away. I love water but this is one you don’t mess with. My cousin however gave us a different view on the last trip she took up and down to save fish and we got a little ways into the river. I held my son so tight but the shores at some times of the year with the right company can be trusted.

My Grandma Davis was such a loving lady. I look forward to our visits.  I wished we lived closer it is hard for me to be away from family. We wrote letters all year long and I always had to have someone read them for me her cursive writing was not something I could read. I had an Oma here and a Grandma Davis in B.C. I am not sure why I didn’t just call her Grandma but it was always Grandma Davis it just stuck.

Auntie Clare’s birthday was the 7th of August and Grandma Davis’s was today August 8th. As a kid, I always mixed them up and never knew on which day we were celebrating all I knew is there would be family from all over tons of cousins to play with, and endless food and cake. I never knew how big my family was until we gathered for a party. I miss those days!

I still celebrate both of your birthdays even though you are no longer here with me. I know you keep close and keep my little family safe. Heaven has some of my favorite people. Thank you for all the years we spent together and all the memories we collected. I will forever enjoy cake on this day!

I found this picture of Grandma Davis last year while going through some of my dad’s photo albums and I think it just might be my favorite photo ever! We would always go to Vancouver Island and to a place called Coombs. A market with goats on the roof. I have always been obsessed with donkeys and when I saw this picture I had to add it to my collection. I miss you tons and I love you both lots. Until we meet again! Happy Birthday!!

Random acts of kindness


Nothing warms my heart as kindness does. I started writing this blog before your funeral. I started this blog when someone was very kind to me it reminded me that the world needs more kindness. Kindness is one of my favourite topis to write about. I got side tracked and never posted the blog.  Attending your funeral made me aware to be more kind every day. Your passing came far too soon and happened unexpectedly fast. I know you are happily sitting, catching up on the years you missed with your dad, I will join you but hopefully not for a long time. Heaven has some of my favourite people.

Random acts of kindness were shown to me through a book I read many years ago by Michael J Chase now Michael Bodhil. His book was called “Am I being kind” This book changed my outlook on how I viewed the world. This book helped change my once very negative views. Michael opened a kindness centre and this was the first time I heard of doing random acts of kindness for others and this warmed my heart. He has shifted most of his work to a positive spin on mental health. His views and the way he lives life have helped me many times over and his books are some of my favourite reads. I read his books over and over and I still love every page. His website is: I highly suggest checking him out if you haven’t already.

In a world where you can choose to be kind why would you choose anything else? Once I started practising random acts of kindness I was drawn in by the smiles and conversations it creates. I love how one small thing can drastically change your day.  When someone is unkind or rude kill them with your kindness. I will say going back to my in-person job reminded me how much every day I can be kind. I still did kindness each day remotely but a shout-out online is a little less fun than in-person smiles. I am thankful that I am given time and the opportunity to be kind. Everywhere I go I enjoy starting a kind conversation, giving out a compliment or offer to give someone my spot to sit or take them where they need to go whatever the opportunity comes my way. I love to allow other drivers to go and anyone who knows me or has been my passenger will laugh because from my car I talk out loud and say” Go ahead” like they can hear me. I know they can’t but it’s the thought that counts.

I will admit I am still sometimes taken aback when someone performs random acts of kindness for me. I am all about saying thank you and taking the time to reach out and let them know how appreciative I am. I usually in return find someone kind to do to thank them. If it’s an employee I go private investigator deep and I will let your manager or whoever knows that you are an asset to the company. The world needs more kind employees.

Kindness speaks to me and I strive every day to be kind to at least one person and smile when someone is unkind. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. When someone is unkind it usually has nothing to do with you so remember smile and keep moving forward and never give up being kind.

I will now go forward in life with you Nancy in mind as I am being kind. I will forever treasure our hospital chats that’s when I started to see you for you woman you were. Your life ended far too soon. We were close in age and I promise when you look down with your dad and smile I am remembering you both in my everyday life. I brought your dad’s cop glasses to your funeral and I smiled thinking of you together again chatting away. Rest easy girl I will keep kindness and fast driving forever part of my life as I remember you both. Love, light and kindness.