If you would have told me

I recently finished a book titled “If you would have told me” by John Stamos. Yes, if you are thinking why does that name sound familiar? He was Uncle Jesse on Full House. The adorable show took up a huge part of my life in the late 80s. If you don’t know this show, we cannot be friends. I love the title of his book, and it made me reflect on my life and the many moments just this year alone I thought to myself if you would have told me this was going to happen, I never would have believed you. If you haven’t read this book, I highly recommend it. Not only does he have an interesting and amazing life story it will make you reflect a lot on your own life.

This last year has been a challenge if you would have told me that at 66 years old, I would be putting my dad in a long-term care home and crying over all the decisions I have had to make as his POA I never would have believed you. I thought my dad would be on his river property until he was in his 90s yelling at me that it was his god-given right to stay there. This last year I have cried so many tears. I had to make decisions about him I never thought I would have to make, and it ripped my heart out. I reflect and try to see the good that I have accomplished, the lessons I learned, the growth I experienced, and how these changes prepared me for moving forward in life. I stop to enjoy life and create as many memories as I can. Life is short and you never know what could happen. Live your best life and do all the things you want to do. I have caught myself repeating “Do your best and if your best isn’t good enough fuck it.” I often stop and wonder what my Opa’s advice would be with all the choices I have had to make. I hope he is looking down at me smiling.

If you would have told me that my brother, sister-in-law and only niece were going to leave and sail away for a year I wouldn’t have believed you I would have thought the idea was crazy but here I am following the journey on a map reading his blog and soaking up all the memories they are making. I am in complete awe that they pulled it off and it reminds me that if you want to do something anything is possible. Make it happen! Check out his journey at: https://sailing.eccentric.one/

If you would have told me that I knew what love was before this year I would have laughed in your face. After a breakup that left me in a state of what the fuck, I am adopting a dog, only to have a Friday message that was a blast from the past and forever changed my life. If you would have told me that a job I worked at and disliked 16 years ago would have led me to my soul mate and knowing who he was than and who he is now I would have laughed in your face. Yet here I am feeling sorry for the previous people I “loved” because I didn’t know what love was until you loved me! How one message can change your world. I promise to write more soon. I am still in shock. If I am in a coma, please leave me this is the happiest I have ever been.

If you would have told me that my son would be on call to the OR for a weird knee growth after two broken arms well actually this one I would have believed the boy is hard to keep in one piece. Please send bubble wrap!

If you would have told me I would take a chance and change careers this late in life I am not sure I would have believed this but I have come to believe that when you are passionate about what you do it is less like work. I leaped and it paid off. I am thankful I trusted my gut and I am reminded why change is a good thing. I am thankful to be home with my lake view office window, no commute, no parking and better money. I am reminded when I put my mind to it I can accomplish my dreams.

I started 2024 with tears in my eyes. I have had a wild year. One filled with twists and turns and a lifetime of both happy and sad tears but going into 2025 I would call this a successful year.  My heart is so full. I just had two amazing Thanksgiving dinners, and I am reminded it is less about everyone else and more about the people in the chairs around the table. I am thankful to be surrounded by amazing people and so much love and support.

If you would have told me I would fall a year behind on my blogs I never would have believed it but time has flown by it has been a year but I want to get back into writing it is something I have always loved and I thank everyone who has helped me and hurt me in 2024 as it got me to exactly where I need to be and I am loving my life more now than ever. More to come again soon back to the Tuesday vibes. Miss you all tons and love you lots!

What is your “if you would have told me” moment?