Shine like a diamond

I curse and thank my former co-worker friend who introduced me to diamond painting. It’s like paint by number, but with shiny diamonds and this one has swear words. My first diamond painting was a flamingo gifted to me for my flamingo wall, which I love.

Diamonds and swear words are some of favourite things. I needed a winter calmness project and a reminder to let things go. This year has forced me to face my past more than I ever wanted. I have had to catch myself a million times reminding myself to care less and saying that it is the past let that shit go. You cannot change the past you can only plan for a better future. In moments when I felt overwhelmed and that my plate was too full, I cranked my tunes and diamond painted. Tune out the stress and calm down. I have always struggled with feeling cooped up in the winter season. Working from home and visiting my dad’s nursing home has taken an extra toll on my mental health. Adulting has left me little time to see my friends and fill my soul. Never enough hours in the day!

I have to remind myself to take time for myself and with each decision I have been forced to make that affects others to let that shit go. I remind myself I am doing my best and if my best isn’t good enough FUCK IT! I have had my dad’s whole life to figure out and my son’s biological father made a quick appearance in his life which forced me to face a hard part of my past and I had to make a million decisions. Between my overthinking and lack of sleep, I need projects to distract me. I laugh thinking I am amazing at problem solving if the problems aren’t mine. I see so much clearly when my heart isn’t involved.

Life has hard chapters, and I hope this one for me ends soon. I dislike making decisions for others as it causes me stress and heartache. I thank my friends and family who have supported me. Those who have listened to me cry. I am thankful for all the love, support, kind words, and recommendations!

I am thankful for my loud music that calms my soul and for swearing diamond painting that took me months but I completed it and I love it! Now I have to frame and find the perfect place to hang this picture, somewhere that this is a daily reminder to me.

I think I am going to have to find a third masterpiece as the winter keeps dragging on. I found this beauty on Amazon if you want to join me in diamond painting. Shine like a diamond and remember you are one of a kind.

In moments that you need calmness and grounding how do you calm yourself?


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