Where do your thoughts lead you today?

Where do your thoughts lead you today?

Do you start your day with a good thought or a bad thought? Are your thoughts distracting you?

When I was trapped in negativity every thought I had, from the moment I was awake, was negative. Nothing ever went and well, it’s not a mystery why. Having nothing but negative thoughts isn’t really a great way to start or finish any day. Now I try to start each day off with a good thought. I usually start each day off writing down the first good thought that comes to mind as like a mantra for the day. I find it helps manage the days that don’t go the way I wish they would. Most days I have distracting thoughts, but these can be good as well. When I find myself being distracted by negativity I refer to my good mantra of the day. The first good thought to keep my day going good. This blog is about where my distraction took me today.

Today like many days before I sit down to write the idea in my head, which was nothing to do with horoscopes, stars, or psychics, yet this is what I wrote. Like I said before, sometimes when I sit down to write I have so many ideas I cannot write fast enough and sometimes no ideas come to me, and then I find myself distracted online. Today I started an idea and got stumped so I took a break to check my email and ended checking up my horoscope too. Something I haven’t done in a while. I used to be obsessed with what the stars have in store for me today? I would quickly grab the Saturday paper away from my family and friends and read my horoscope. You know in the days before the internet.

I was recently at a night sky viewing with so many shooting stars. I can’t wait for all my wishes to come true. I recently was having a conversation about what do the stars hold for the future with a friend when I decided to look up my horoscope and this is the blog you get this week. My distracted thoughts.

I have always had a love of stars. I would lay outside for hours on end just staring up at the sky, waiting for a shooting star to make a wish upon. I always believed the stars had powers. I always believed the stars watched out for me and kept me safe at night. I believed that the people who passed away here on earth became stars and watched out for me. If that’s true I have some of the best stars in the sky.

My horoscope sign is Pisces. When you google about Pisces you will find an overwhelming amount of information but I found the personality part interesting as it says: “As the final sign, Pisces has absorbed every lesson — the joys and the pains, the hopes and the fears — learned by all of the other signs. This makes these fish the most psychic, empathetic, and compassionate creatures of the astrological wheel.”

I am always saying look for the lesson. Things happen to teach us a lesson, be it bad or good look for the lesson. Life is a series of lessons if we pay close attention we have a lot to learn.

I always wished I could have been psychic just to know what it feels like. Having the ability to see forward or back in time seems like such an amazing concept. I admit I didn’t think it was a real thing. It seemed too good to be true. How could a complete stranger who just met you know so much? That was until I went to a psychic who was able to talk to my grandmother who had passed and knew such vivid details. The message she told me and the way she described her, blew me away. Few moments have ever made me speechless but this reading did. I kinda chuckle, my grandma was a very strong lady and I knew if anyone was coming through that passed away she would have elbowed her way to the front of the line. That psychic ladies’ reading still makes me think about my life.

I am a water sign and I love to be close to the water I believe the water is my happy place. The water allows me to focus and resets my thinking, clears my mind. If I can see the stars and water then that’s a bonus. I love where I live.

Allow the good thoughts into your life and watch your life change. Surround yourself with good people and life is better. Where will your thoughts take you today?

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