

Recently while sitting down by the lake in a ray of sunshine I made a bucket list of 100 things that I want to do. Sitting down by the lake is where I do a lot of my writing and dreaming. I wrote out a list of 100 things I want to do as well as places I wanna see. I encourage you to make a list too. I had a ton of fun dreaming of so many things. I need to keep the dreams alive. Wintertime blues got me feeling like I wanna stay in bed, under my heated blanket forever! Covid got me feeling like I wanna stay home without a mask on. Ah, home the place where it’s acceptable to be in Pj’s and un-masked.

One place I have always dreamed of going to is the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo Texas. This has been my dream for years. The Cadillac Ranch has 10 Cadillacs buried nose-first into the ground that you can spray paint. It truly is a beautiful piece of artwork. One I must see for myself. My dad went to this beautiful location without out me. Yes, I still talk to him despite how mad I am he lived my dream without me. He didn’t even bring me back a t-shirt. He did however take some cool pictures. I have to add a picture of the Cadillac Ranch to my vision board. I haven’t traveled much of the U.S.A but Amarillo is one of my dreams. A must see! Cadillacs and a Texas-sized steak and this girl would be happier than ever!

Another place I dream of one day seeing is the Yukon and Alaska. I watch a lot of shows based in these areas and I know it doesn’t do it justice but it’s something I have to see. I have a need to see the Northern Lights. My parents met in the Yukon many moons ago. The stories that have shared made me dream more of seeing the great white north. My son was supposed to be hiking the Chilkoot Trail last summer but due to travel restrictions, it’s on hold. I hope like his grandma before him he hikes it and takes millions of pictures.

My ultimate Yukon/Alaskan dream is to get on the back of a dog sled. To have a team of dogs run me through the wilderness in complete silence taking in the sights. That to me would be paradise. I need to experience this. I dream of dog sledding. I recently heard a quote about what it’s like to be on a dog sled and I loved it.

“On the back of a dog sled is as close as it gets to a magic carpet ride.”

Who doesn’t wanna go on a magic carpet ride? The closest thing I ever got to a magic carpet ride was probably those crazy carpet sleds we had as kids.

I have never owned a sled dog. I think it would take a lot of corgis to pull me in a sled! What an adorable team of corgis it would be though.

Recently I started walking my friends Husky and I realized the strength of pull this girl has and how she can walk forever. I cannot tire this dog out. I have enjoyed how long and how fast this dog walks. She keeps me running and laughing. She has helped me get over my winter blues more than anyone. I cannot imagine if one husky can pull that much how fast we would speed through the wildness with a team. I need to experience this! Yes, clearly I have thought about stealing this dog, only one problem, no scratch that we have a couple of problems with this plan. First, off I have Kelso the corgi who is a super grumpy old corgi who bit and ripped the nose off this husky when she was a puppy, and my friend has keys to my house! I would have to steal her and bolt north to start my dog sled team!

I cannot wait to be able to travel again. I have so many places and faces I want to see.

In the meantime, I will be around town walking dogs down by the lake forever dreaming and writing.

What’s one place you have always dreamed of seeing? What’s one thing you have always dreamed of doing?

Make a bucket list of 100 things. I had such fun dreaming of all the things I want to do! Cure your winter blues with dreams.

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