Love notes

Love notes

Nothing in the world warms my heart more than a card or a handwritten note. To see your handwriting and feelings expressed in the perfect card or note is the best gift in life. This instantly makes my day.

I keep a giant box filled with cards and letters. I have almost every card and letter given to me since I was a child. I cannot let these memories go. I am a hoarder of all things handwritten. I often pull this box of memories out and re-read some of the best memories shared via ink and paper. Having a bad day? Pick a card any card! I reach in this box of love notes and I am instantly cheered up.

I was born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s. Before the times of cell phones and texting that consumes so much of our time now. In a world of texting, I still prefer to talk on the phone to hear your voice to be consumed by the sounds of your life, but if given the option I would always take a handwritten version of your message. Something I can cherish forever. Don’t get me wrong I love technology and the ability to instantly talk to someone anywhere in the world but seeing the generic messages and the copy and pasted images of virtual cards just aren’t the same. Reading e-mails and text messages just doesn’t do it for me. I wanna hold the card. I wanna hold the letter. I wanna see the strokes of your penmanship. I wanna cherish your signature.

Finding the right card for someone that instantly sums up what you want to say or shows an image you know will make someone smile, laugh, or flood them with memories is the greatest feeling in life. The perfect card is winning the lotto to me. I spend a lot of time selecting the perfect card. I have thought about making my own line of cards. I am always on the hunt for corgi or flamingo cards.

I grew up writing to pen pals from all over the world. I grew up writing to my family who lived far away. I was forever rushing home from school shaking with excitement to check the mail. Getting mail when I was a kid was the best thing in the world. Ripping open the envelope and unfolding the origami-like folded delightful updates from my best friend who lived in the big city. I grew up in a small town and always dreamed of what it would be like to live where my letters came from. I got lost in the multi-coloured inked words you shared. I loved nothing more than to write you back. I lived for my letters and cards in the mail.

My first boyfriend was the king of love notes. He used to write me cute little notes and hide them in my work bag. This warmed my heart more than he will ever know. He always found cards that made me cry. When I forget what love feels like I re-read his cards.

When my son started school I started writing little post-it notes and hiding them in his lunch box. I wanted to remind him how much I loved him, how much I missed him when he was at school and secretly I wanted it to help him learn to read and write in a fun way. I started out drawing little pictures of his favourite things. I am sure his teacher thought they were pictures he drew. My art skills are that of a small child. I continued every day he was home with me. It became a fun little game I would distract him in the morning after I packed his lunch to sneak off and write a love note. He started to look forward to these notes. If I was rushed and forgot he was bummed. It became our cute little game. The more he learned to read the harder my post-it notes became. I wrote more challenging words he would have to sound out. I drew clues as to what the message was about. I loved writing him love notes.

I have a backpack I take to work and about a week ago I opened my bag and attached to my work bag was a love note my son wrote to me. I started to cry. He wrote me a love note and hid it in my bag. Now every day he’s home he hides a love note in my bag with a sweet message. I love his love notes.

It takes us just a quick moment each morning to remind each other with a cute note of how important we are. Write to someone you love a quick love note. Not all love notes have to be sappy. A simple have a great day on a post-it note in your handwriting can quickly change someone’s day. For example, I went to work one morning, having a morning. I struggle with sleep and sometimes mornings aren’t my finest time. I got assigned to work on a floor I love and they must have known I was coming the night before because upon the monitor from one of my favourite unit clerks Re-Angie was a post-it note that simply said: “Have a lovely day side two!” (side two is one of my many nicknames) I still have this Re-Angie post-it note in my badge holder. She didn’t know it then but this made my whole day better with her handwritten love note. On mornings when I am dragging my butt I pull this note out and my day is instantly great!

One small note can change someone’s whole day!

I love notes. I hoard all things handwritten.

If you would like to write me a card, letter or love note. I would love to write you back. I have included my address below. Please remember to include yours.

Sascha Davis
Bath Ontario Canada
K0H 1G0



This year has flown by for me. I cannot believe it’s already December, in a few short weeks we will be celebrating Christmas and then ringing in 2021.

December is a month of mixed emotions for me.

Ten years ago in December, I started my paper-pushing job at the local hospital. I started out not knowing anyone. I accepted a job on the top floor. My first ever shift alone was on Christmas and it was a hot mess of a day. I was left in tears and thinking this isn’t for me. I am not one to give up so I went back on boxing-day. I kept showing up and doing my best. I have become a part of a huge work family. I work with some of the best people I could have ever have imagined meeting in the last ten years. I have made some of the greatest friendships and found old friends. It’s been a wonderful ten years. I am blessed to be able to say I love my job. Here’s to another ten years in the making. Thanks, everyone!

Ten years ago in December, I lost my Oma (grandma). The holidays have never been the same since she passed. She always made the absolute best meals and desserts. You always ate like a member of the royal family. You had to wear stretchy pants to accommodate the endless dishes she just whipped up. She made this chestnut cream dessert that no one has ever recreated. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Oma always knit the best and warmest sweaters, hats, scarves, mitts, and socks. She could just whip you up a new sweater while you watched a show. She made the most beautiful quilts by hand. I have so many wonderful purple quilts that I treasure every day. You were never allowed to buy her any gifts, yet she needed a transport truck to deliver your piles of goodies. You could get her a paper clip and she would have said it’s too much. I don’t need anything. I know she’s looking down on all of us this time of year and smiling. Not a holiday goes by that I don’t think I wish Oma was here. I can smell your turkey and taste your jam cookies. I would give anything to have one more Oma hug.

I am Canadian and I could not imagine December without snow. I have never lived anywhere that it doesn’t snow. I love the white blanket beauty of the snow, however, I don’t enjoy being cold. I am the girl who can be found with slipper booties, a heated blanket, and a cup of tea most of the winter months. I would like to be curled up watching the snow from inside. This year as I decorated my house in Christmas lights it was t-shirt weather that was a first for me. I could get used to that, but now as it’s December first, I am ready for the beauty of the Canadian winter.

As the holidays come closer I am getting excited. I know that this year will be different from all the other years as the pandemic still rages on and the area I live in is getting closer to another lockdown.

I am thankful that my friends and family are healthy and safe.

I am excited to haul in our real tree here shortly and get busy decorating. I am sad this is my first year without my Charlie dog, he loved the holidays. I am nervous this is my first year with the Kelsey dog. I pray she doesn’t pee on our tree. I know each and every year when I pull out the decorations I get all teary-eyed. I have decorations from my childhood. I have a stolen ornament of my brothers I refuse to give back! I have decorations made by many people I love. Every time I pull out the boxes to decorate I am flooded with so many memories made and memories I cannot wait to make. I have a box of holiday cards, yes, I keep every card I have ever been given. I love cards and the beautiful messages people have written. This fills my heart.

December is a month of mixed emotions for me as I miss so many people I wish I could hold tight. I am so lucky to have so many people still around me to love and spend time with. Treasure the people closest to you this holiday season. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Spread love, joy, and positivity!



How cool would it be to have the ability to read minds? If I could have any superpower it would be the ability to read minds. Sign me up!

I admit I used to be the queen of bad communication. In my times of negativity, I could have been crowned one of the world’s worst communicators. Not the crown I want to wear.

Sadly I do not have the ability to read minds. However, I expected everyone to be able to read my mind.

In my transformation from a life riddled with negativity to a life glowing in positivity the first step I took was to reflect back on my life and what wasn’t working for me. I made a list of things to work on. I would say the biggest thing working against me was my communication skills, or should I say my lack of communication skills. I didn’t learn how to communicate. I learned how to shut down. When the going got tough in my life I shut down. I would run from my problems. Spoiler alert you can run but your problems will follow you. I didn’t want to face my problems or anything that upset me. I went silent. Another spoiler alert silence doesn’t solve your problems. Read my mind. I let my silence eat away at me. I didn’t know how to calmly communicate why I was upset. If you didn’t have the ability to read my mind you would have been lost, without a map, trying to figure out what I was upset about. I would remain upset for a long time without ever telling you why I was upset. Doesn’t that sound fun? I let myself get so worked up and so upset. I could feel myself seething with rage because you couldn’t figure out the exact moment your existence pissed me off. I know now why my relationships struggled. I struggled to communicate.

I wasted a lot of years stuck in negativity not communicating well. I remained silent and upset, never solving anything. Not communicating created more baggage for me to carry through life. I was exhausted. I was scared to tell you how I felt. I was scared to be judged and or rejected. My own self-communication was horribly negative. I only held on to the negativity. You could have said eight million nice things about me but that one time you said something slightly off I remembered that. I held onto that. My inability to communicate my feelings made me sick. Holding onto to so much anger I believe caused me a lot of health problems. In my years consumed by negativity, I had a lot of health problems. I didn’t look after myself. I wasn’t kind to myself. I drowned my negative feelings with my own dose of addictions. I am no doctor but I will tell you this also didn’t work well either.

I realize now very few people in this world can read minds. I was shocked to learn this! I am not a perfect communicator or an expert in anything just simply telling you about my transformation. Hoping to make someone’s life a little bit easier knowing they are not the only one in the world. We all have struggles. We all need help.

My communication ranged from simply not saying anything to losing my cool. From one extreme to the other. I missed the middle steps. What a horrible way to go through life. Silent or pissed off.

I am sorry for how I communicated with so many people over the years. I wish I would have taken the time to calm down, listen, and kindly reply. I have worked so hard to communicate in positive, kind ways. I changed the way I communicate with myself. I changed the way I communicate with others. Take time to listen. Take time to understand where other people are coming from. Take time to calm down and reply from a place of love, kindness, and positivity. Change starts with yourself. You have the ability to read your own mind. The only mind you can read is your own mind.

Reflect on what isn’t working in your life and find ways to change and make this life your best life!



I am sitting on my patio in my comfy over-sized bright teal hoodie from Tofino, warm lined leggings, and homemade knitted socks (Thanks for the socks mom). I have my steamy hot cup of coffee which is keeping my hands warm. I love my coffee with milk and maple syrup (don’t knock it until you try it). The sun is shining and I’m happy to still have my sunglasses on. From my patio, I am watching the leaves dancing in the cool fall wind. The leaves are slowly, yet gracefully making their way to the ground. I am smiling. This is fall. I often get my inspiration to write from my patio.

Yes, I am sad to see the warm summer days fading into the cool fall days, but the beauty of fall is something I will never get over. With every red tree, I see I fall more and more in love with this season. Truthfully I love something about each season. Canada is a beautiful place. I am thankful to live here.

From my patio, I have a gorgeous view of Lake Ontario. I do love where I live. This view of the lake is what sold me on this house. While looking at the water I apparently didn’t notice the large number of trees surrounding my property. I did not realize the amount of fall yard work I would be doing for the rest of my life. I do get a sense of joy even as an adult from raking leaves into piles and then jumping into them. I do my best to remember even as an adult to enjoy some child-like fun each and every day. Let go and be silly. Now as an adult I get the task of running the leaf blower-mulcher. I have a new game of how many bags of leaves will we have this year? Dragging those bags around the yard I am getting my work out in. Having fun and getting a workout in is a win win!

Fall is not only beautiful but it is also a time of great reflection. As I watch the leaves fall to the ground I am reminded of all the times I have fallen. I have failed so many times in life I have lost count. I could be negative and rant about my struggles but I choose to see the good. From each time I failed I learned a wonderful lesson. I have learned so many lessons in my life. I have also met a lot of wonderful people. Don’t be afraid to fall.

Sometimes I literally fell to the ground and wanted to give up. I think in life we all fall apart. We all fail at points in our lives. It’s how we build ourselves back up after a fall or failure that counts. You have the power to come back better than ever.
Every year the trees lose all of their leaves but they always make a beautiful comeback. Nature has a lot to teach us. Get outside and enjoy nature!

I remember the feeling of falling apart. I felt pain, sorrow, loneliness, defeat, anger, and the desire to no longer want to be a part of this world. I believe the biggest skill I had to work on to pick myself back up and become the fierce woman I am today is communication. The key to solving most problems is in the way we communicate. The way we use our words is very important. I used to use my words to react instantly. I reacted without a filter or care about how your feelings. I did not listen or understand where others were coming from. I only saw the negative. I was quick to react.

I am positive in my thirty-plus years I have hurt people with my words. I am sorry. I also carried around a lot of hurtful things other people said to me. My baggage of negative thoughts was heavy. Learn to let go of negative thoughts. You cannot take back your words once you have said them or typed them. Choose more positive and kind words to use.

In a world where we communicate mostly via typing, it is a great time to slow down and re-read your emails or text messages before hitting send. Often we don’t think about how someone could go back and re-read that message. Words hurt.

When I receive an e-mail or text message that I find upsetting I do not reply immediately. I have to take time to slow down and communicate from a calm and kind place. I often shut down the device I am on and take time to compose myself. There is no timeline on how fast you have to reply. I take time to think of how to reply calmly and kindly. Think about how nice the world would be if we all did that?

Fall is a wonderful time to reflect. What is something you could work on? Put on your comfy socks and join me. I would love to hear about your journey!

Chicken, lobster, and peach.

Chicken, lobster, and peach.

There is only one person in the universe who understands what these three emoji’s mean together. I am sharing this blog story about how Heather and I became friends through work, second chances, and the power of the universe.

I am a big believer in what you put out to the universe you get back. I put the power of manifestation to work for me. I believe in timing, signs, and second chances.

When I was surrounded by negativity it’s no shocker that my life was all negative. The people in my life were negative. My life needed an overhauling. I am not saying I regret anyone being in my life each and every person who has come into my life has taught me so much. I am so thankful for so many people.

When I finally made a shift to positivity, well I wanted to find like-minded people. I needed to let go of some people in my life. Letting go does not mean I don’t care or I don’t think about even the most negative people I had in my life. I will always want the best for people, but you can’t make someone change who doesn’t want to change. You have to be willing to put the work into changing. Change is hard work but it is the most rewarding work.

I met Heather through work. We both work at the local hospital. I admit that my first impression of her was draining, I didn’t see the beautiful person she is. I honestly felt like she complained about stuff and she was forever needed to switch a shift. I swear if she pulled that planner of hers out just one more time and asked me for a shift swap. I was starting to feel myself lose my cool. I struggled to remain positive in her presence and so I started dodging her at work. I feel like sometimes at work we get the stressed-out work version of someone and not the true authentic person. Let’s be serious the hospital can be a stressful place. First impressions while lasting impressions aren’t always our last impressions. My views starting shifting when other people talked about how much they enjoyed Heather’s company. I admit I was shocked. This got me thinking that maybe it was my approach with her? I always like to take a moment to do a little self-reflection. What could I have done differently? I find this helps going forward if a similar situation should arise you are better prepared to deal with it. I decided to try a different approach. My idea was to get her talking about non-work related things, don’t you dare pull that planner out girl. I wanted to get to know more about her kids, pets, and her life journey outside of work. I am so glad I changed my approach and took the time to get to know her. Like the saying goes change the way you look at things and the way you look at things changes. Reflecting back she taught me a lot about myself from how I make myself out on first impressions.

Funny story about how the power of manifestation works. A few years ago after I parted ways with my then best friend I sat down to look at my life and what wasn’t working for me. I wrote down on a piece of paper a list of the qualities I would want in a best friend. My list had everything to do with how I wanted to feel. How did I wanna feel having a best friend in my life? I carried that paper around for years. I kept telling the universe I was ready, however, the years went by. I met people who kinda checked the boxes but they weren’t my soul sister. This taught me a lot about being patient. I believed when it was my time it would work out. Hello, 2020 this is my time. I have had a heck of a wild year! Everything I put out to the universe years ago has been answered. Just waiting on my lottery win now!

Heather and I truly have the best friendship. She is a downright amazing human with an exceptional life story. I am one lucky woman to call her my friend. She checks off all the boxes of how I wanted to feel having a best friend. She doesn’t judge. We laugh until we almost wet our pants. We read our horoscopes and believe in the power of the universe. She is a very spiritual woman. We agree that the universe has put us together to do great things. Let’s do it! I cannot wait to see where life takes us. We share the same weird sense of humour. I learned to never open her messages unless I am in a place where I can laugh out loud. We don’t have to chase the other to keep in contact it flows naturally. We are pretty much the same kind of person. We are comfortable being open and talking about everything. There is nothing off the table with this girl. I can bare my soul and know I am accepted. She gets me! I can be one hundred percent myself around her. Heather is my girl soulmate. My soul sister in life. My life and the world is a better place because of you. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person and keeping it real. Thank you for being my chicken, lobster, peach. Love ya!

Thank you!

Thank you..

This week’s blog is to say thank you to each and everyone one of you reading this. Thank you for reading my blogs. Week after week so many people reach out to me with kind things to say about my blogs. I wanted to take the time to say thank you so very much!

This blog comes out on the Tuesday following the Canadian thanksgiving day long weekend. My stomach is filled with turkey, all the fixings, and pumpkin pie. I ate so much I had to wear stretchy pants, yet, my heart has never been so full. I am so thankful. Thankful for family, friends, and good food. I am thankful to still be alive. I am thankful to have love, to be loved, and give to love.

I originally was going to write a thanksgiving 2020 blog about the top twenty people I am thankful to have in my life. I thought twenty seemed like a lot of people to be thankful for that was until I started to write out all the people I am thankful for. Before I knew it I had way more than twenty names, my list of people I am thankful for quickly filled up my page. My blog would have been fifty pages long, so the people I am thankful for the blog will need to be broken down into a few smaller thankful blogs.

A little over a year ago when I started this blog my general idea was to spread my life’s motto: “Do your best and if your best isn’t good enough fuck it.” I decided to put that message passed down to me from my Opa out there and see what happened.

I wanted my life’s motto to remind everyone that life is not about going hard and giving up. It is about always doing everything you can to the best of your ability. You have to keep moving forward. Life only moves in one direction. Forward. Let go of the past. Life isn’t about what we regret but what we can do moving forward to make it better. You need to give your all in order to reach the end result no matter what. You maintain focus on your goal. You can do it.

When I started blogging I wanted to share my life stories. I wanted to let the reader in on the lessons I learned along my journey. I have faced my share of battles. Some battles forced me to some dark places. However no matter how dark the place, when I wanted to give up the most I didn’t. Find your light in life. Add light to your life.

I think every person we meet and every situation we end up in teaches us an important life lesson. Share you’re lessons and help other people. I put myself out there. I share my blogs. My hope is that my writing is able to help someone along their journey.

Be thankful. Let people know you are thankful for them each and every day not just on thanksgiving.

Thank you!

In a world where you can be anything…BE KIND

In a world where you can be anything…BE KIND

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a heck of a year so far. It has definitely tested us all in many ways. The Covid-19 pandemic no matter what your beliefs are it has shaken our world. What we perceived as our “normal” way of life has been challenged and changed. I like many people struggle with change. In a world where you can be anything please be kind. The world needs more kindness.

Kindness is described in the dictionary as “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.”

I will admit I haven’t always been the kindest person I know. I struggled with my own doom and gloom and getting stuck in a rut for much longer than necessary. I wasn’t unable to process life in a kind way.

Could I have been kinder to myself along the way? YES.

Could I have been kinder to others? Absolutely.

Years ago my views on kindness were turned upside down when I met Michael J Chase who is an author and founder of the kindness center. His kindness center has an amazing mission which “has been to open minds, awaken hearts, and demonstrate that kindness is not a weakness, but rather, one of humanity’s greatest strengths”. I joined his speaking event at a Louise Hay House convention not knowing how much he would change my views on being kind. He wrote a book called am I being kind? This is such a powerful question. If you have not read this book I would highly recommend it. He has written three books all of which hold inspirational messages and question how we live our lives. The world is a kinder place because of this man. Thank you for making me a kinder person.

It was a huge wake-up call in life to realize I wasn’t being kind. I was plowing through life just not caring about anything or anyone. I was living life in the fast lane merely trying to fast forward to the end. I missed out on so many moments of kindness that should have changed my life. Slow down and enjoy life.

I wasn’t being kind to myself so how could I be kind to others? I believe any sort of change has to first start with yourself. You have to want to change in order for change to work. It is never too late to change. I wanted to change my life of negativity as it wasn’t working for me. I know my inner self-love language wasn’t kind. I was my own worst critic. I was hard on myself. I judged myself. I didn’t love myself. I had some of the most horrible negative thoughts going through my head over and over.

The first step to being kind was changing the way I spoke to myself and about myself. Once I learned how to speak kindly to myself speaking kindly to others flowed naturally.

I do my best to incorporate random acts of kindness into my everyday living. I try to do at least a few random acts of kindness each and every day for other people. Be kind to others and watch other people be kind to you. You get what you give.

When I am working at my paper-pushing hospital job it is so easy to be kind and to show others you care. I work at the front desk and let’s be serious no one wants to be at the hospital. I do my best to smile, yes even though I am currently wearing a mask and my smile is hidden I promise you I am smiling. I listen to what you have to say and I do my best to be kind and helpful to each and every person on the phone and in person. From coworkers to patients and family members there is always someone who could use some more kindness.

When I am off and I get to enjoy a day to myself I try to reach out via social media to be kind and check in with friends, family or meet someone new. My website allows me to reach out to someone each and every day. I am so thankful for where this journey has taken me, from knocking on death’s door to living my best life. It is never too late to change. Share a chat and spread some kindness.

Three things I hope to pass onto this world through my work are positivity, kindness, and communication skills. Three things I once struggled with. You can always change. Be willing to change. In a world where you can be anything start with being kind.

This week makes 52

This week makes 52


I just bought myself a cake to celebrate crushing my goal. I am happy to announce this is my fifty-second blog. I did it. I reached my goal.

I started this journey posting my first blog on September 7th, 2019. The idea of blogging came from my life coach friend Patrick, thank you for giving me the kick I needed to share my stories, my thoughts, and messages with the world.

I set out with a short term goal. Write and post one blog weekly.

My long term goal was to keep up blogging for a year.

Write fifty-two blogs no matter how hard it is. “You can do it”, were the words from Louise Hay that inspired my first blog.

I will admit when I first began this journey I had no idea where it would take me. I was terrified I was going to be judged. I was scared to expose my life, my thought, and my ideas to the world.

As I began my blogging journey I could feel my old negative thinking started to creep back in. What if I am not good enough? What if people don’t like my blogs? What if my website isn’t perfect?

That’s when I had to shut down those negative thoughts and remind myself to just do my best. I took a pledge to myself. It was simple and looked like this:

I Sascha Davis will show up weekly.

I Sascha Davis will post one blog every Tuesday for a year.

I Sascha Davis will complete fifty-two blogs.

I Sascha Davis will keep writing until I reach my goal no matter what happens.

One blog per week ready on Tuesday’s for fifty-two weeks. I am beyond thrilled to eat my cake and say I DID IT!!

Was the years’ blogging experience perfect? No!

Did I learn a ton of lessons on the way and grow as a person? HECK YES!

I Sascha Davis have done my best and if my best isn’t good enough fuck it. It is as simple as that. I showed up week after week and I shared my blogs. Yes, it’s true I missed a couple of weeks along the way. I could have beaten myself up. I could have given up. I could have taken the unkind words people shared and quit. It is always easier to quit or to blame someone else. I know, I was once the queen of excuses, blame, and quitting.

I am happy I stuck with it. This has been one heck of a year that has positively changed my life. Blogging has brought so many wonderful people in my life. I am grateful for this experience and excited to see where the next year takes me.

Thank you for reading my blogs. Thank you for your kind messages of inspiration and positivity. Your feedback about my blogs has kept me going throughout the last year. I am truly touched and appreciate every one of you who took the time to send me a message.

I would love to host some guest bloggers in the upcoming year. Are you brave enough to share your stories, thoughts, or ideas with the world?

I did it.

You can do it!



How do you balance your time?

What is important to you?

What makes you happy?

How do you make time for your home, friends, family, significant other, hobbies, work, responsibilities, travel, pets, or in my case time for writing?

Writing has given me a huge appreciation for time management skills. I laugh as I write this blog and that sentence as I am currently in my car in a parking garage while I wait for my son to come out of an appointment. Thank-you, Covid-19.

Today I am writing on Monday and I post my new blog on Tuesdays. Super last minute I know. I think I work best under pressure and close to deadlines.

When I first starting writing about a year ago now I set aside a block of time each day to write. At first, I found this process difficult because sometimes when it was my time for writing I had no idea what to write about. The thought of committing to fifty-two blogs terrified me. When I sit down to write sometimes I am flooded with ideas and sometimes I have nothing come to mind. Now I try to write whenever the idea comes to me. I have books to write in stashed in my car, my work bag, my purse, and even in my coat pockets. I keep paper on me at all times in case an idea hits me. Yes, I do write on my computer, tablet, laptop, and even my phone but I find the best ideas flow out when my pen hits the paper.

Having a block of time dedicated to writing seemed easy at first but when the ideas didn’t flow to me so easily having a block of writing time stressed me out. I thought I had to sit down and write the perfect blog or work on my never-ending book in progress. I started to almost dread my writing time until I removed all the stress. When it’s my time to write I just simply write. I write anything that comes to mind. Sometimes I end up journaling. Sometimes I end up working out some ideas for my picture quotes. Sometimes I start a sentence and just write whatever comes to mind. Sometimes I write about my day or what I am grateful for to give me more ideas. Sometimes I write an amazing blog or work on my book. I don’t stress I just write.

Time, you have to make time for what is important to you. Writing is important to me so sometimes I have to take time away from something else to allow time for my writing to happen. I can find time to be on my phone or watch television in the evenings so I feel like those are easy things to cut time away from to write. Sometimes I run out of time so to allow time to write I am missing out on doing chores or sleeping but I always make it work.

Whatever is important to you, you will find the time to do it. You will make time to do it. I never dreamed in my already busy schedule I could find time to write every day. I find the time. I make the time. Writing has allowed me to express myself, to share myself, and to help others. I enjoy sharing my experiences and hearing from people all over the world. Writing has opened my life up to some of the most amazing positive experiences. Writing makes me happy.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs week after week.



Remember to breathe.

Catch your breath.

Focus on your breathing and remember whatever is happening right now is NOT forever. Nothing you have done in your life has been forever. Everything we experience in our lives is temporary. This moment you are worried about will pass. Just breathe. One thing you can always control in any situation is your breathing. One thing that can always calm us down is breathing.

Such a simple concept yet so many people forget about it. Breathe and focus.

Take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. There’s a great technique of counting your breath to distract yourself from whatever is going on. You count in 4 on the inhale, hold for a count of seven, and then let go of a big breath out the mouth for a count of eight. This simple counting technique has saved me from saying things I know I would later regret. This technique has allowed me to slow down and process through the anger I sometimes feel.

Sometimes it just takes nineteen seconds to calm down. Sometimes I have to do this a few times over before I am calm. Sometimes I have to do this with my eyes closed in a safe place to feel like the effects of this practice working. I do this to calm down before I react in a way in which I do not wish to react. When I am calm I am acting from a place of love. When I am fired up mad, oh you better watch out, my place of anger and negativity is strong it wants to rip out and destroy all the positive work I am doing. Fight the urge. Breathe. I know my place of positivity is where I want to react from. Sometimes I just need to catch my breath in order to get back there. Slow down, focus, and breathe.

I admit I was once a very negative person. Every part of my life was negative. I wasted a lot of years being mad at temporary situations that I chose to drag around forever. I could not let go. I carried around a lot of past baggage. I relived moments that should have been temporary over and over again trying to figure out how I could fix them. You cannot fix the past. You can let go and learn how to deal with temporary situations in better, healthier ways. Always be willing to learn. Deep in the depths of my negativity, I never cared about breathing. I lived life in the fastest lane I could find. I didn’t care if I was dead or alive. I wasn’t kind and I wasn’t calm.

Shifting to positivity was not easy for me, being negative came easy to me. I did it for so many years it came naturally. Being positive was a struggle. Learning to breathe helped me battle negativity. I knew change was necessary. I knew I had to change every part of my life. I realized when I am angry I hold my breath. I was unable to even let my breath go.

When you start to get upset how do you react? How do you breathe?
Soon as I can feel my anger or negativity rising up in me I immediately focus on my breathing. If I can get through the next few seconds I can remain calm. Sometimes when I close my eyes I do a little visualization to go along with the breathing. Bring myself back down. Remain calm and react from a place of love.

Before you think this works for me every time. No, it does not. I am not perfect. I am a work in progress. No one is perfect we are all just doing our best. I simply catch my breath, focus on my breathing and I do my best, and if you best isn’t good enough fuck it.

Breathe, focus, calm down and react from a place of love, kindness, and positivity. Slow down and focus on your breathing before reacting. You cannot take back words or actions. Find your breath find your calmness.

Breathe in the positive thoughts and breathe out the negative thoughts.