Cheers to 2023 and being mindful of time


Does anyone else feel like 2023 just snuck up?

My whole holiday season flew by. As the days ticked by, I couldn’t seem to get it together. Winter crept up and my usual favourite holiday Christmas left a hole in my heart this year. I usually have all my decorations out and everything set and ready to do by the first of December. This year I barely had my tree up in time for Santa’s visit. My Opa was the biggest fan of Christmas and bringing the whole family together and while I was glad, we gathered I just feel like every time I looked at your chair, I missed your smiling face a million times more.

I was alone after the holidays with the house to myself. More time off than I knew what to do with. I decided to meet my Gran and her friend for lunch on New Year’s Eve. I hope this is a start of a fun new tradition as my face hurt from the laughter shared. There is no one else I would want to catch up with on the last day of the year. You always make my days better Gran. I am thankful Opa brought us together because I would be lost without you. I can’t wait to see where 2023 takes us from laughter to tears and back to laughter again.

Alone on New Year’s Eve evening, I decided to start a painting project one that I meant to start much earlier in the year, but time got away from me. I had the most horrifying electric neon green bathroom that I couldn’t use because the glare made my soul hurt. I got lost in a great crime podcast and started bringing calm to the walls, which made me reflect a lot on how my 2022 went and what I hope to accomplish in 2023. I love painting I think I have painted every surface of my house at least twice over. Give me a paint brush some good music or an addictive podcast and watch out. It will be out with the old and in with the new. This seems very fitting for the last day of the year.

I got an unexpected invite from one of my favourite people to join her and her boyfriend for New Year’s Eve I immediately declined I didn’t want to third wheel, but I did want to meet this gentleman, so I said you know what stop making excuses and do it! I took 15 minutes to clean the bright white primer off me, slapped on some mascara and lip gloss and was ready to go. I headed out to have a drink at a place I had not been in years and the people watching did not disappoint. Surround myself in good company set an intention for 2023. Thank you, giraffe Jen, for the invite you are one of my very favourite people and I am blessed that going into 2023 I know we will remain kick ass tall girlfriends. You are the only person crazy enough to agree to hike with me until our feet bleed. I am thankful for our chats, walks, tea and problem solving skills. 🤣

2023 I have decided that my time is important and that I need to make certain people and things I want to accomplish a priority. I set the intention that I will be mindful of my time. I have a list of people that I want to catch up with and that I am going to be available to reconnect. I am going to accept more invitations and try to add even more fun that I already have into each, and every day and my huge list of gratitude as always grows along with me.

Cheers to 2023!

Road Trip!

Load up I need a road trip. On this certain rainy Saturday, a random road trip with the purpose of delicious snacks! I love a road trip filled with good music, laughter, and discovering new snacks!

This road trip was a girls-only adventure. It started with a plan to head to the Trenton bakery a place my Opa loved and filled with all the treats I love. When I open the store door, I can picture your smiling face as I collect our favorite treats and black licorice cat candies, we loved to share my” happy pills” as he called them. I cannot live without those candies. They are the key to my happiness. I constantly crave them and should buy stocks in the company.

Joining me on this adventure is a woman I met through a co-worker. We instantly bonded and have been best of friends. We have so much in common. Katie I am so lucky I found you!  Katie became my Smalls, and I became Talls. Yes, I tower over her over six feet in stature. She may be small, but this woman has the biggest heart of anyone I know. We oddly have so much in common we instantly bonded like we always knew each other. Hanging out with you girl is just easy and it is always so much fun!

We have been on some amazing random road trips filled with endless laughter and random pictures on funny-named roads, kissing statues, and jamming all the snacks in our faces.

We keep finding the most amazing snacks, but we are always dreaming and making lists of places to hit up and try the latest best-find snacks. I hope we spend a lifetime searching out delicious snacks. The adventures we have in search of snacks oh goodness as I think of all the places, we have been I wonder how we are not on a permanent sugar high or maybe we are!

Life is always somehow always better and more fun when you are around.

Just yesterday when I was feeling down and out struggling with the problems of adulting you were my shoulder to lean on and then you randomly showed up with cheesecake the one thing that no matter how sad I am will always put a smile on my face. You came with a huge box of all the favourites. No words needed just some hugs and snacks. You just get me girl thanks for that.

My son loves Smalls and her crazy pets he always wants to visit at her place. If I ever leave this world Smalls you will be getting my son and alllll my pets!

Kelso our beloved corgi goes crazy when Smalls visits she instantly brings all the toys to Smalls because she knows she loves dogs and will always play.

My sons beloved cat Noah will also come running because he knows Smalls will always pet him as she has cats of her own. I avoid cats the best I can not because I do not like them but because I am allergic making cats like me a million times more,

Smalls has just become a member of our family! I always tell her sorry girl you are stuck with me F O R E V E R! I think it’s going to take us that long to find the ultimate best snack ever. Thank you for always loading up on road trips and for always be there when I need a bestie, I am beyond lucky to call you mine. Thank you for all that you do! We love you!


I will not give up!

This weekend reminded me that I am older than I think.  I am forty. This weekend reminded me that even though I think that I am twenty my body would disagree. I have sore spots on my arms where I didn’t even know you could have muscles.

Truth be told I have struggled a bit to make the adjustment to working Monday to Friday 9-5 and having weekends off. I love my house, but it seems even smaller when I never get out of it. I am staring at multiple screens a day and am so tired of screens. I am burnt out. I want a screen-free holiday!

Friday night my partner suggested why don’t we do something like go rock climbing or a movie? I then turned the question over to my son and asked which activity would you rather do? I was delighted and a little bit anxious when he picked rock climbing. I have always promoted doing something outside of screens. I grew up in the outdoors and now with more screens than ever I love it when we can do anything without screens. I however do not enjoy gyms filled with people.

Rock climbing, I may have bitten off more than I could chew. Something you should know about me if I am determined to do something nothing will stand in my way I will not give up and I will do it. I will find some way to complete the task at hand.

The last time I went rock climbing I was much younger and more fit, or less broken. As I watched my son do the training, he looked a little bit scared, but as soon as he was on his own, he lit up that wall and climbed to the top in lightning-fast speeds.

I don’t know who made the grades or rates the walls from easy to hard but I at last was defeated and stumped on the easiest wall rated at a 5.2 it was starting to become impossible. Impossible is not a work I like to use. I think anything is possible if you have the right attitude. I don’t like that feeling of defeat. I despite pain and tears attempted the wall more than once probably 4 or 5 times. Between my discs slipped in my back, nerve damage, almost no feeling in one leg and a broken pelvic floor I am not sure why I thought I would be great. I went in to complete the climb determined. I gave myself points for trying but I want to high five the top of the wall.

Everyone around me in the gym was truly kind yet as the tears that rolled down my face I was feeling defeated. The tears were from a combination of pain and defeat.

Pay attention when I say that I will be back, and I will make that 5.2 wall my bitch. I will make it to the top and happily jump down. Now that I know what I need to work on I have a game plan.

This is the mind set you need for life! When life knock you off a wall before you accomplish what you set out to do. Make a new plan tackle it in a new way but never give up. You got this. If everyone was just instantly great at something the first, try, we would have no reason to work and do better or work up to a goal.

I am determined.

I am strong.

I am surrounded by good vibes.

I got this!

Fit fabulous and getting up that 5.2 rock climbing wall here I come. Stay tuned for my victory picture!

It’s November

I might still be riding a sugar high from last night. I may never shake the cold that the rain left with me.  I did enjoy seeing the costumes and watching the kids run around from house to house. The impressively scary decorations people set up. It was a great feeling even in the pouring rain to see so many people out.

I have never been a Halloween fan and I did not want to go out last night. I had to remind myself that this could be the last year my son lets me tag along. Time really needs to slow down! Thankfully, my sister-in-law joined me on the walkabout. We were rewarded quite nicely upon return and sorting of the Halloween haul.

My son and my niece have gone out together trick or treating for all the years we have lived here and this year they outdid themselves. They dawned the costumes of what might very well be my brother’s favorite movie of all time Monty Pythons Quest for the holy grail. He haunted me with never-ending movie quotes when we were growing up. He has now passed all those quotes onto my son to torment me with. I will admit I do think this movie is hilarious and is a classic must-see that is if you like to laugh.

My niece was King Arthur and she nailed it. She pulled off the look and all the movie quotes. My son was Patsy complete with coconuts that were so believable many people thought a horse was coming down the road. My brother being the big nerd he is made a soundboard of movie quotes and soundtracks.

For the people who knew what Quest for the holy grail was they loved it and shouted quotes. They timed it perfectly to have “run away” play as they left the houses.

I love that my family took the time to craft these costumes and watching the kids faces light up as the got into the roles was so freaking cute. The quest for too much Halloween candy and a sugar high from now until Christmas is complete.

What did everyone else dress up as for Halloween? Hit me with some pictures I would love to see!



Play your music real damn loud

I love rage-screaming music! I love to crank my music and sing my heart out. My two favorite places to sing are when I am alone in my house cleaning yes, I will never admit it again, but I crank my music and dance around with my vacuum.  Music keeps me motivated to clean! I freaking love to vacuum and deep cleaning gives me a sense of accomplishment. The smell of cleaner after cleaning a house relaxes me. The popular songs from the club days are now my dirty dancing clean the house playlist.

The second place you will always find me singing is in the driver’s seat. When I am driving alone you can guarantee my music is real damn loud. I love to drive around watching the blurry scenery as I drive too fast and sing too loud. This is when I am the happiest.

I love how just the right song can come across the playlist and you find yourself dancing along getting lost in a memory. I love how a song can instantly change your emotions. The right song just sets the mood for the day. So many songs remind me of certain people or places in my life. Just hearing the right song paired with the memories makes me smile. I have so much to be thankful for.

My taste in music is a bit all over the place I am sure anyone who has seen my Sassy playlist will question my sanity. I have a place in my heart for heavy metal rage music nothing motivates me better. or warms my heart or just gets my soul. My workout music playlist is scary sweary music that makes me want to set a world record in running.

I grew up listening to a variety of music my parents had quite different tastes and I found myself enjoying artists from both of their playlists. They both played a significant role in always playing music I grew up in a house always filled with music. My brother introduced me too and ruined my life with heavy metal which makes me giggle because he doesn’t listen to much of that these days. It still runs through me heavily. I have my playlist ready to go.

The one type of music I could never get into was country I always struggled well that was until one of my new co-workers posted a song of a concert she was going to and ruined my life. I am quite sure my partner thinks I am insane but there is something about this guy’s voice I am so in love, and I so desperately need to see Zach Bryan in concert. I cannot stop listening something about his voice is just a sheer delight to my ears and its so country. I can’t explain it his voice just ignites something in me. I am ready for my cowboy boots and hat now. Play your music real damn loud is a line in his song heading south. It hit me and I can’t stop singing it!

One thing music taught me is to always be open to listening to something else. What one person loves another may not like. Everything you do will not be loved by everyone. You cannot please everyone. But the right words just might change someone’s life. There is music for every kind of mood you are in. If you need to get to a mood work through a mood or searching for something different music always has it.

Back in my younger years I was a concert rat I had tickets to all the shows I love the feeling of a large event energy not so much the amount of people but just the feelings of positivity that music brings out in us and bring us together. I cannot wait for the day I can share a concert with my son! My first concert was with my mom she took us to see Bare Naked Ladies and it is something I will never forget. I hope to create that same kind of memory with my son. We do not have the same taste in music and his music idol is no longer with us RIP Stomppin Tom so we have some details to work out before our first show.

I love when someone shares a song that reminds them of you, a while back a girl who was my best friend and we shared a lot of concerts together reached out and said every time she hears Pink by Aerosmith she thinks of me. Still one of my biggest regrets is not going to see Aerosmith when I had tickets, but my pregnancy made me so sick, I couldn’t cope. I wish I could see them! I missed the opportunity of a lifetime I hope this opportunity comes around again. Bucket list must see! I have a whole list of concerts I still want to see and even a new artist added. Who is something you would love to see in concert? Or someone you saw and it changed your life?




Where you at?

Okay, I know I have said enjoy Canadian summers because they are gone in a blink of an eye, but this year it especially flew by. I left my job and even had most of the summer off with my boy, but it feels like we did so much and yet nothing at all how is it possible that the leaves are now changing colors and the fall crisp air has set in? How is it possible I already have a fourth grader? Time needs to slow down.

As I sit in my home office with the window open and the lake breeze keeping me cool I love watching the sunrises and the sunsets. Gorgeous colors all around me. I do love the fall season and all its gorgeousness.

I enjoyed my first caddy cruise this past weekend, usually, by the fall I have ticked on hundreds of kilometers but at last this year my lovely car sat in a garage, tarp-covered and sad. . My son has let me know he has been on more cruises this year and that it’s no longer my car. Apparently, I lost my caddy, and he wants it restored back to its original mint condition so he can enjoy the caddy as his first car. I laughed thinking of trying to pass my driver’s test in the caddy. How cool would it be to drive to school in a big ol black caddy. I took my driver’s test in a Mercury Topaz a mid-size car and when I parallel parked, I backed into the spot they have set aside, and I hit both gates you had to navigate between to pass. I would like to say I am a much better parker today. Thankfully, you could have three errors back in the day when I did my testing. I don’t think the caddy would fit between those parking gates. I find it best to find a pull-in spot rather than try to parallel park the caddy. I am not brave enough; afraid I will scratch it the car. I also do not have my transport license and I can assure you the caddy is the longest care I have ever driven. One good thing about the driver’s test with a caddy would have been that I wouldn’t have lost points for speeding like I did. I can only imagine in 7 years when my son finally is a licensed driver what the cost of gas would be to fill the caddy. I do often wonder if as a passenger my son behind the wheel cruising along, would I have the same big smile I see when I look over at my dad. I am not sure if I would be smiling and scared he’s driving my car!

This past weekend we went for a cruise to celebrate my dad’s birthday he is officially a senior and we have a birthday tradition to get Reb Lobster and cruise, This time I picked up my girlfriend smalls who is just the smaller version of myself. I threw her in the back of the caddy and we headed east. We were both having a day sometimes the struggles real. When I have a bad day I try to think of how it went wrong and what I could do to make it better. You know what always makes my problems better? Crushed velour and being in the drivers seat of the caddy! The three of us cruised around laughing and it was just the fall day we all needed.

As thanksgiving approaches this weekend, I think of all the people I am thankful for and my face hurts from smiling. I still make a grateful list every day to remind myself how blessed I am in this life.

Here’s to fall and falling into living grateful lives.

Smash it up!!

From the first time I ever went to a demolition derby, I have had a dream to smash up some cars. Long before I ever wanted to race cars, I wanted to smash them up.  I love to go fast, and I love to smash, hopefully never at the same time.

As a woman when the crowd cheers on a lady demolition derby driver it still gives me chills and instantly makes me smile and proud and deep down, I am like GET EM GIRL! Destroy those other cars. I love a lady driver even better if she’s a winner!

I can remember my dad taking me to the local fair I was about 7 years old or so and I thought it was a crazy idea to take cars you stripped down to nothing, decorate them up, then you suit up and destroy them. Who comes up with this? My dad’s face lit up with excitement as he described the event to me, so I agreed to go, and it turns out I loved it.

The lady who announced the local fair in our small town had such a captivating voice. She sucked you in and kept you yelling and cheering the drivers on. You yelled until you lost your voice. She was always having fun and made sure everyone got along and shook hands at the end. She had a voice that drew people in to watch the derby from all around. I am sure you could hear her voice across town.

This was the first year I have been back to the fair since Covid without the announcer’s voice present and it showed.  This derby was best described as unorganized chaos. The drivers shook hands at the end to honour the late great woman announcer not because they were friendly told. I know I wasn’t the only person who missed her in a crowd I heard her name many times. This derby was confusing, the sound was bad, and the interviews were inadequate quality.

When my son and niece were about 5 years old, I took them to a local fair to watch the derby. For the record they both thought the idea of cars smashing up was crazy like I did at that age. Happy that they entertained me and joined. Our Opa also joined us he also loved a derby, but I think he just came to the fairs to see the carousel.

We had front row seats to the derby, and we got the full experience during a crash up close and personal we had mud sprayed on us. We watched the kids’ faces light up with wonder and delight. I knew from that moment I had derby kids. They even had a 1989 caddy just like the one we have and the look of shock on my sons face like anyone would ever want to smash it up was one is a look I will never forget.

This year we went to the fair for the derby. We sat high up in the grandstands, we know you were right there with us Opa we watched, and we cheered until we lost our voices. Our hearts were full, and I know two kids who want to enter the derby! I will be right beside you helping to decorating a car just please use any other car NOT the caddy!

What was missing?


For most of my life, I felt like something was missing. For most of my life, I felt angry and most of my days were unhappy. For most of my life, my internal dialog was that I wasn’t good enough. I held on to feelings that I needed to let go of.

Where did this all come from? Why was I left feeling like this?

My most significant life transformation came when I learned to love myself when I started to live my life for myself and when I learned to put myself first.

I spent most of my teens, twenties, and well into my thirties putting my happiness and how I felt onto others. I just wanted to feel loved and accepted by someone else. Spoiler alert it’s not possible if you haven’t learned to love yourself. Love starts within you!

I dated nothing but toxic people who I put in charge of my happiness and feeling loved. I ran away when I thought I wasn’t happy or didn’t feel loved. I was a run-away bride many times over because I knew my happiness wasn’t at the end of the aisle. No matter who tried to love me I just couldn’t get there. Something was missing. You can’t love someone else or be in a healthy relationship if you don’t have self-love.

In my twenties and thirties, my biggest fear was being alone. I had a need to be surrounded with people. When you’re angry and hate life what kind of people do you attract? Like-minded people are the only people who can stand to be around your negative butt. Everyone I had in my life was negative or I chose only to see the negative.

I know why I almost ended my life, how I got to this very moment in my life. I was miserable, I took too much on, and I forgot to take care of myself. I had tried to run from my problems, but your problems always follow. I didn’t deal with my problems and so they just got bigger and bigger until they almost consumed me.

The most important person in your life is you! It’s just that simple. I realized if I don’t take care of myself I am not a great mother, partner, sister, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, niece, cousin, coworker, or friend.

How did I realize this? Well, I wish I had a magic purple pill that made the process go quicker but at last, it took me years. It took me years of being alone with myself to discover who I am, what I like, and what I want to accomplish. I had become so lost I forgot the basics. I tried so hard to save other people from their problems that I didn’t deal with my own problems.

Transformation isn’t easy. Change isn’t easy. It is necessary.

Each and every day I want to show up being my best self. I changed the way I think about myself. I changed how I felt about myself. I learned what I love to do. I learned what my passions are in life. What I want to accomplish. I spent time with myself.

I learned that the two things that were the scariest things in life are my two greatest joys.

I love time to myself. I want to be alone with myself. I never take for granted the alone time I get. I ask for time alone when I need it. Being alone is my recharge time. Being alone grounds and centers my thoughts. I know now that always surrounding myself with other people burns me out. Drains my energy and I can’t focus. I need quiet time. I need time to recharge. I need time to put my heart and soul into things that I love to do.

Being a mom was always a huge fear when I knew I couldn’t take care of myself how could I take care of another? I learned how to change the ways I viewed myself. I learned a kinder love language towards myself. I am always working to improve and learn. I embraced being a mom and I let go of the expectations I had of myself. Let’s be honest kids don’t come with a how-to manual or a rule book you just do the best you can and have as much fun as you can along the way. My son taught me a love that I didn’t know existed.

What was missing? Love! Love that starts within. The way you talk to yourself and the way you love yourself shows up in your everyday life. It’s the difference between being happy or being miserable. The love you feel towards yourself is no one else’s responsibility. Do not put someone else in charge of how you feel. If you start with self-love you can include more people you love in your life. Loving others seems less scary now that I know no matter what happens on this journey of life I will be okay. I love and appreciate myself just as I am. I love the people who surround me and are my tribe.



Change, it’s not as scary as you think.

Change the way you think.

Change is a word that I have never really been fond of—just hearing the word change used to make me nervous and uncomfortable. If anything was mentioned about changing my mind immediately went to negativity. I felt that if I had to change it was because something I did wasn’t good enough. I jumped to all the uncomfortableness that change would bring out in me. I viewed change as a negative. I worried about the change until it made me sick. I was stuck in negativity, and I didn’t want to change. I wasted a lot of time because I wouldn’t change.

I changed the way I view the word change.

A great quote is “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change- Wayne Dyer”

Now when something or someone needs to use the word change or asks me to change something, I embrace it with positivity and hope to learn from the experience. Every time you make a change it is a teaching moment. I think by changing this what can I learn?

In the last couple of months, everything in my life changed and it’s taken some adjusting for sure. I removed the scary thoughts about change, and I do my best to roll with change. I try to take the good that change brings.

I made living accommodation changes which are always difficult because I like my things a certain way, and having someone else’s things around sometimes leaves me feeling anxious. I need to organize, clean, and have a flow.

I had to change the way I drove because my car was in an accident (no injuries) just a series of rental cars I was not familiar with. After 5 weeks I think I forget how to drive standard. I might have to change and buy an automatic (kidding I would never!)

I changed my job something I never thought I would do but the hospital in a global pandemic weighed heavy on my heart. I have always wanted a job I could be passionate about, a job that helps people and I wanted to do it from my home. That’s not asking too much, is it? I changed my job.

I am happy to report I did find a job that I love. I have taken on something I’m passionate about and it allows me to help people from the comfort of my home office. I changed my hours from those of am all over shift worker, forgetting what day it was to a steady 9 to 5. I changed my part-time hours and weekdays off that I loved for full-time Monday to Friday with weekends off. I try to focus on all the good things that have come my way with this job.  I admit on my first feedback meeting I was a little bit nervous about how much change they would want but they embrace who I am and what I bring, and I am blessed to be in my home office.

I will miss my former co-worker friends and I am still adjusting to how I am going to juggle all my time, but I am happy with my changes and excited to see where all these changes take me next.

What will I change next?

Embrace change-remove the part that’s scary- take whatever change comes your way, roll with it, put a positive spin upon it and think what can I learn from this change?




Pocket full of love

This pillow reminds me of the most remarkable man I have ever met. he also happened to be my Opa. This pillow was made out of one of his favourite “fancy” shirts.

Opa had a love for the colour brown and a wonderful plaid design. He always had handkerchiefs in his pockets as well as a pencil and many other items. You never knew what he had in those pockets. His pockets always appeared endless as he pulled things out. He packed a pocket like I pack my purse.

These types of plaid shirts were what Opa would call his “fancy” shirts. Compared to his collection of warn-out farm t-shirts.

I found this pillow design while scrolling through Pinterest. I thought the idea was a good way for all of us grandkids to keep him close. Thank you granny for sharing his “fancy” shirts. Thank you to my mom who did an amazing job sewing so many together on short notice. Mom took the time to sew on a heart and stuff the pocket with one of his handkerchiefs and a personalized note. Each note she took the time to personalize and type out on her vintage typewritten. My note brought me to tears as I read “This pocket was once over my heart now hold it near yours for we’ll never be apart.” It still brings me to tears.

This pillow has been on my couch since Opa passed. I watch his favourite shows and keep him close.

I recently returned from a trip to see what I thought was a card tucked in the pocket but it wasn’t a card but rather a collection of carousel stamps including the Roseneath carousel.

This stamp collection brought me to tears, not the stamps but the image that instantly flooded my mind. When I saw the stamp of the Roseneath carousel it brought me right back to a beautiful fall day at the fair riding the Roseneath carousel. I spun around going up and down giggling at how much joy this simple ride brought me. As I glanced out into the crowds I located my Opa with a huge smile on his face beaming from side to side as he hummed along to the carousel song.

He loved carousels so much that he had a huge collection in his house, some played music, and some were just gorgeous to look at. His collection was from all over the world.  He loved carousels so much that he even built his great-grandchildren a real working carousel in his backyard that went around, up and down, and played music so he could enjoy their wonderous smiles as they happily road around with their stuffed friends.

I know you are always near and I miss you crazy amounts. Thanks for all the memories. Your words live on through me.