That time I met Louise Hay

Welcome to my blog.

As I sat down to write my first entry I struggled with what to write about first. I have so many good stories I want to share with you. I suppose I should start from the person who changed my life’s journey who awakened my life and set me on the course I am continuing to travel on.

A dear friend of mine told me about Louise Hay. I remember as she was describing this lady to me I was thinking how interesting but that’s not for me. Her name came up to me many times over the years as I was struggling with my life. I kept thinking I cannot ignore how many times I have heard this name it almost became annoying and so I decided to give her work a try. I remember the first time I read her book and I could not wrap my head around her ideas. I thought, wow, I am glad it worked for other people but she’s not for me. I kinda just scratched the surface of her work and gave up. Negativity doesn’t allow you to enjoy or learn much.

I have read so many self help books over the years. I have tried so many different self help methods but it wasn’t until I read “You can heal your life” by Louise Hay that I was blown away with the idea that your thoughts control how we feel. All my thoughts sucked, they were negative and my life, well it reflected that. I don’t think I knew Louse Hay was the author of the book until I was reading it and I remember laughing when I realized it’s her again- it’s that darn Louise Hay- okay I get it I’ll pay attention to your message this time. I finally had a moment and I realized that my thoughts were holding me back in my life and my thoughts were making me sick. I remember the first time I looked in the mirror and said an affirmation I legit thought this lady was crazy but bit by bit I stuck with it and I noticed when I changed my thinking my life changed.

I had the opportunity to attend a Hay House Convention in Toronto and the energy at this event was mind blowing. I actually went two years because I was just so blown away with the energy and information. As I was sitting on the floor on a lunch break after having attended some amazing speakers classes. I was enjoying a snack and had my copy of “You can heal your life” that I took everywhere with me, when out of the blue I see Louise Hay. I have to admit I was star struck, I could not believe my eyes, I feel like I blinked a million times and pinched myself. I went to get up off the floor where I was sitting when a line started to form I realized she was signing autographs. What a dream come true. A chance to meet her, but I thought being the negative girl whose thoughts ate away at her “Oh I’ll never get her autograph the lines to long or she’s only gonna sign so long and they will cut the line probably right when it comes up to me”. When I realized how negative my thinking was I thought to myself, no enjoy this moment, watch the peoples reactions as she signs their books and she takes pictures with them. Everyone she met and came into contact with at the convention lit up with excitement. After watching for a while the line died down, she signed everyone’s books and I was amazed she never cut the line. She took time for everyone and made so many peoples day. Heck, she made mine just witnessing the moment. I was feeling grateful and packing up to go off to the next adventure at the convention when the assistant lady, who was there with Louise Hay, approached me and asked “Do you wanna meet Louise Hay? Have your book signed?” I lost the ability to speak and just quickly nodded. Now for those of you who don’t know me I am a tall girl six foot three and I jumped up right from sitting to boom six foot 3 in half a second and I ran over unable to speak a word. I could not take my eyes off of Louise as she signed my book I felt as though I could pass out and I was so happy I cried. I often laugh at this memory and think if she was to remember me I would be the tall, awkward crying girl who jumped up out of nowhere just when she thought she was done haha. I spent the whole day, month, year, heck I would be lying if I said I still don’t stare at my book signed “Love Louise Hay”. Today the book and the memory sit right here in my home office. I will never forget how she made me feel. She forever changed my life! Thank you Louise Hay!